Animal Systems

Monk System

Naban (Grappling) System

Weiza System

Yoga Systems

Healing & Harmonizing Systems

Weapons Systems

Cane System

Dho (Empty Hand) Systems

Dhot (Staff) Systems

Dha (Edge Weapon) Systems


Dagger Systems

Full Contact Fighting & Kickboxing Systems

Middle/Free Style Fighting


Self Defense

Honoring our Veterans & First Responders

Brother & Sisterhood

Preserving the Arts

Bando's Orphan Tension Forms can be found in the research tab for paid members

Recent News

Great Grandmaster Dr. U Muang Gyi Retirement Letter


 George's Acceptance Letter

Columbus letter of Support

Animal Clinic 2024




American Bando Animal Systems

Boar System
Bull System
Cobra System
Eagle System
Panther System
Python System
Tiger System
Viper System
Scorpion System
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